Las cosas cambian,uno vive aquí,
se muda allá,
pero el corazón siempre está en un solo lugar...
A veces en tierra, a veces de viaje.
Uno no olvida, solo guarda memorias,
no podemos correr, cuando aun no hemos gateado,
no podías decir un "te quiero" sin haberme visto a los ojos...
Puedes finjirlo,
pero cuando él te llame amor junto al teléfono,
tu silencio ocultara más que lo que tus mentiras hirieron.
Es tiempo de ponerse la blanca,
tiempo de olvidar todos tus engaños,
todas tus mentiras,
el haberme incado ante tus pies de familia,
al haberte brindado más que mi amor.
Ahora miro fotos, y no hay más que recuerdos.
Just one laugh, and i knew what was going on
just one wink, and i knew that i was going to be punish,
i never believe in love.
Somebody destroy that tipe of nature,
i still believe (just a little bit)
because i can see in some faces of stranges
pure love, when they hug me,
when they kiss, people that i used to call "friends"
but knowledge that they´re more.
i never wanted to become a prisioner,
not even in my own skin,
i don´t pay for life,
the only i trust is GOD.
And he knows my time,
in the mean time, i´m gonna work,
really hard, to be somebody,
to find somebody,
to learn about life, walking in this thing called "life".
No i´m really thankful, because all my dreams felts down,
she used to told me, "don´t believe in anybody"...
And my heart used to whisper: "believe in you".
When i was starting to cry, i used to run,
to the snow, to the cold,
to protect me, from the ones who doesn´t care
about a soul.
There was a time,
i was happy in my life,
the was a time i believe at true love,
ocasionally i found out, they were only looking
to fuck me, to kiss me, but nothing real.
My mom used to tell me,
you should believe in yourself,
but then she reacts like i was a prisioner,
in my own heart.
The only thing i believe,
is that you can be wherever you want,
you can wish, you can love,
as you can be.
There´s no possible way,
for been on a cruel nightmare...
Or been involve with somebody that just lie to you.
I see your face in your picture,
with him, or with the other one,
and you seems really happy,
your smile doesn´t lie,
but your hidding your eyes...
Once, you are in a party, living with your love,
but then i pass trought the pics,
and i can see that "concience is our own killer"...
I can´t tell you,
i haven´t been inlove of somebody,
of course that it´s true.
But i´ve been punchd, so many times,
for that thing, that people used so particulary
"love", for me it´s so hard to say it.
It´s like asking god,
why they give us so many hard lessons..
I believe that we drive a train called life,
and that they are a lot of people that came in,
but they also came out,
and at the end of the road, your gonna find,
the only persons that really care about you.
I´m afraid,
because if we can love each other as
novios, we don´t know if in the future, we´re gonna still juntos...
Sin embargo, if we tried like a best friends, i know that you always want to be there for me.
So, what should i do?...
Debo amar, ...